Jiangsu Dahzong held the 2024 Annual Work Plan Conference

On the afternoon of March 12, 2024, the 2024 Annual Planning Work Conference Jiangsu Dazhong was held at the Jia Wang. Attending the meeting were Zhang Rongzheng, Assistant to the President of the Group and Head of the Environmental Sector, the management team of Jiangsu Dazhong, the management personnel from the headquarter’s functional departments, the operating teams of various subsidiaries, and the reserve training personnel. The meeting was presided over by He Zhou, the general manager of the company.

At the meeting, General Manager He Zhou first read out the appointment notices. The heads of each operating subsidiary reported on the key work plans and ideas, cost control, and accounts receivable for the year 2024. The heads of the company's functional departments introduced the main annual work, especially proposing suggestions and requirements for the daily maintenance and major repairs of equipment, and the standardization of financial work in terms of energy saving, consumption reduction, and cost-effectiveness. The management of the company interpreted the " Final Financial Report for the year 2023 and Financial Budget Report for the year2024 of Jiangsu Dazhong," and made suggestions on safety production and operational conditions.

General Manager He Zhou deployed the 2024 work plan and key targets, and interpreted the 2024 performance assessment, emphasizing the focus on the assessment of production costs and expenses based on the 2023 performance assessment. Lu Qiyu, chairman of Jiangsu Dazhong, made a special speech on the summary of the company's phased work and development outlook. The company plans to carry out key work tasks in an orderly manner on the basis of summarizing and reviewing the year of 2023.

At the end of the meeting, Zhang Rongzheng, Assistant to the President of the Group and Head of the Environmental Sector, conveyed the spirit of the Group's 2024 safety production work meeting. She analyzed and judged the current situation, the challenges faced, and the corresponding countermeasures and measures, and combined with the key work tasks of Jiangsu Dazhong in 2024, she put forward the following work requirements: First, to adhere to the bottom line of safety production. It is necessary to start from the source and tilt the focus of safety production management towards "prevention before the fact." Secondly, to ensure the implementation of emergency plans, pay attention to safety drills, and improve the ability to deal with emergency incidents. It is also important to ensure the comprehensiveness and pertinence of safety and skills training, with an emphasis on strengthening personnel safety precautions; Second, to maintain a good relationship between the government and enterprises, and to pay special attention to not expanding the payment period of accounts receivable; Third, to conduct comprehensive market considerations and pay attention to the expansion of projects in an extended manner; Fourth, to strengthen refined management and optimize cost control, focusing on detailed and quantifiable assessment targets that can be executed, and to leverage incentive policies to benefit from management; Fifth, to carry out all production and operational work in a standardized manner under the premise of complying with management systems; Sixth, to continue to follow up on photovoltaic work; Seventh, to refine the talent training plan, establish a rational compensation system and incentive policy through internal training and external recruitment.


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